2007.10.22 Great Day

I can tell someone really didn’t want this message getting out, but he didn’t prevail. We’ve been in a series on the supernatural and I could have guessed that on a day we focus on Satan’s plans for our lives – we would have technical difficulties. The fact is – we don’t need technology to worship anyway! What we use with our images (worship slides; power point) only enhance our experience. After an hour of fighting with our technical demons, we simply shut it down and worshiped low tech! (Anyone know what a hymnal looks like?)

Numbers aren’t everything, but when you realize that numbers represent a person, then they mean everything. 119 came out for worship yesterday. We’ve been breaking that 100 barrier more often this Fall. 100 is great. 1 is even better. The 1 out of 100 represents a friend of Miranda’s who came for the first time, who loved it so much she said she’ll definately come back. The 1 out of 100 represents a new couple that got to connect with another young couple. The 1 out of 100 represents the people who told me throughout the day how much they got out of the message. All praise to God!

Do you realize how many cases we have had of students being impacted by our ministry together who then drag their parents to church? That was the method to my madness from the start. When I came here preaching Psalm 71:18, I knew that as we proclaimed His power to this new generation, that this new generation would bring their parents and grandparents along with them. Sometimes it was assumed I didn’t care about the older generations when nothing is further from the truth. The truth is, that if someone is going to come to Christ, typically they will do so before the age of 18. As we invest in those with the highest return, we find that the way to the parents’ hearts and grandparents’ hearts is through their children and grandchildren.

Speaking of the next generation, we had our 3rd annual Nuclear Football. We had a great crowd of high schoolers out for this annual event, along with a number of spectators. It was an easy invite event, one where students could invite their friends for some fun in the (hmmm, not the sun!)… anyway, some glow in the dark football! Parents also had their friends out to watch as well. I do love the community in Christ that we are building together.

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